Saturday, August 22, 2009


I do not understand some of these lil girls man. They call them seleves grown? Yet they sit here and act like a child. Idiotic decisions and rediculous behavior. Sexual and revieling ppictures on a website where family can see... Idk. Well people will live their lives how they want, all I can do is give advice to them, hope they take it in and pray for their well being. My outlook on life is completely different...

I can no longer sit and be mean, crude, and selfish any longer. I am working on my attitude at home with my parents. I have noticed they have done sooo much and deserve way more appreciation, esp. my Daddy.

I have never been nor will I be a vulgar, and disrespectful person. There are aspects of my personality that need no change, but there are some that need a tune up and a complete new engine!

My life revolves around, God, family, my future, school, track, dance, friends[close&true], and possibly love.

Life is like a big roller coaster, a catapillers journey/life, before, during and after the cacoon and change into this beautiful butterfly! I am blessed and I tell myself this everyday, and so should you!

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