Friday, September 11, 2009


Life is amazing.... I am young and I have fun... but I do live semi responsibly... not even semi... I do live responsibly. Mistakes are supposed to happen, so you have the ability to learn from them. I am living not dying so why live in fear? You only live once so do what you want. God will forgive you. No matter the sin, well only if you deny the Holy Ghost, then he probably will not.

If you do not know what I mean by what I just said up above in the last couple sentences, I shall explain. The lord is a forgiving man, no matter the sin you commit you have the ability to be forgiven as long as you truthfully repent; but there is one exception to his forgiveness, which is that of the “denial of the Holy Ghost”. This means, say something amazing has happened to you, like a miracle, and the only way that it could have possibly happened was through the Lord, and you say “Oh no He has nothing to with my success, I do not need him.”; This is the sin that He will not be able to forgive.

No I am not pulling this out of my rear end. I had a very insightful conversation with my PaPaw (grandfather), and I asked him “If a person has committed a wide variety of sins in their life, will they be forgiven?” He told me what I just mentioned above. So those of you who are Bible thumpers that believe that you are perfect and you do not make mistakes and that if one does not obey by the Bible all the time and go to church every Sunday the Lord will not accept you in his house, well I am sorry to tell you but you are definitely wrong.

You are able to believe and interpret the Bible in anyway, and I respect your beliefs. My only problem is when those people who are such “Christians” tend to expel so much hatred and prejudice to those who do not follow the Bible exactly, but do still believe in the Lord, and those who just have a different faith or none at all.
This was just my thought for today. What do you think?

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