Thursday, March 26, 2009


So recently I spoke to you guys about possibly joining the Air Force, well that may not happen because my padres' would rather me not go into that field. +/

But today I did find out some great news...... My friend, teammate, Pecker, told me that the CC that is looking at him for a track scholarship is looking at me as well. The CC is.... Paradise Valley Community College, my coach is working on a scholarship to Cal Lutheran, and another coach is working on some other colleges. I am hoping I recieve a scholarship!!! Cross your fingers.

If I do not do any of the previously listed, I will be attending ASU, most likely the Tempe campus, and no matter what College, CC, JuCo or University I attend, I will be studying as a Kenisiology Major! I am not sure what minor exactly, its out of Economics, Communications, Dance, or Business.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

BrittNicole said...

thats like the best major everrr im doing that too=) dont go to the air force go to school its fun!!! anddd i hope yu get one too!
